Madden NFL 24
Game: Madden NFL 24
Date: Sat, November 11, 2023
Time: 10:00 AM
Westville, Indiana
Total Prize Value: $50.00
Max Capacity: 8
Madden NFL 24 Details
Join us for the Madden NFL 24 open tournament at our Midwest Esports Conference Fall Clash LAN! Compete in this side competition open to the public while our collegiate league concludes in an epic finale on the big stage.
This tournament is open to the public - register ahead of time to save your spot in bracket! Players can register for this tournament using the “Sign Up” link above. $50 in cash prizing will be split between our top 3 players, in addition to prize tickets.
Each competitor will need to purchase a Champion Pass (our all-inclusive weekend pass.) Click Here to Buy Your Champion Pass! ($30)
Bring your gear or game on ours! All consoles and peripherals provided, but players are welcome to bring their own accessories. Read more about what to expect at LANs and check out our FAQ by clicking here.
Madden NFL 24 Rules
What to Do Onsite
- Before your Activity starts, Check In at Registration.
- A $75 VIP Pass provides access to special event swag: Event T-shirt, Mystery Box and more. The VIP Pass is an all-inclusive ticket for other tournaments, quests and activities.
- All Tournaments require at minimum a $30 Champion Pass to participate. The Champion's Pass is an all-inclusive ticket for other tournaments, quests and activities.
- Go to Your Zone to Check In for the Activity:
- You will be playing in the Field-Zone for this Tournament.
- Once you find the Tournament Official for your Event they will guide you through the next steps
- Quest Givers and Tournament Officials will be there to direct you.
General Tournament Rules
- Played on Playstation 4
- Recommended to bring your own controller, not required.
- Random player seeding
- Double Elimination with Best of 1 Rounds
- Dictated by Play A Friend and cannot be changed.
- Team Selection in Each Phase of an Event
Team selection will be handled by the current NFL teams. Competitors will select their teams prior to the game. - Restricted Items List As of August 1, 2023, there are no restricted items
Additional Gameplay Rules
- Onside Kicks: Onside kicks are not allowed in the first half. A competitor may attempt an onside kick during the second half when they have fewer total points than their opponent.
- Excessive Offsides: Neither the offense or defense should purposefully go offsides with the intent of delaying the game nor exhibiting unsportsmanlike conduct. Intent is at the sole discretion of the tournament administration.
- Improper Audibles: Competitors may not audible out of the QB Kneel, Wildcat, Field Goal, or Punt formations.